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Ask Your Cuero Cosmetic Dentist: Smile Makeovers Aren’t Just for the Stars

by | Jun 5, 2017 | Cosmetic Dentistry

Celebrities are often known for their flawless smiles. You don’t have to be a star to have a smile like one! In fact, smile makeovers and cosmetic dentistry services are available to anyone who is interested in improving aspects of their smile. Cuero Dentistry offers a variety of procedures that can fix broken, missing or damaged teeth along with discoloration and even crooked teeth!

To show you what is possible, here is an overview of some celebrity smile makeovers including the procedures and services that were likely used to achieve their impressive smiles.

Katherine Heigl

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Katherine Heigl only needed some subtle improvements to achieve a Hollywood-worthy smile. Her smile makeover was complete just in time for her wedding with the use of clear braces, regular whitening and good oral hygiene. This noninvasive approach is often a preferred option for patients who have healthy teeth & gums and are simply unhappy with the appearance of their smile.

See an interview where she talks about her wedding and Invisalign® treatment here.

Ben Affleck

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A star that chose to have a full smile overhaul, Ben Affleck corrected the look of his teeth with a complete set of veneers. Veneers alleviated any spacing issues and helped Ben achieve a perfectly white smile. He also had some gum work done to manage signs of recession.

Celine Dion

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Based on her before and after photos, Celine Dion probably coupled her veneers with a procedure known as a “gum lift.” This is a process where her dentist removes the excess gum tissue that is visible when she smiles. The end results are equally natural and stunning, creating a truly radiant celebrity smile.

Zac Efron

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Not a fan of the gap between his teeth, we believe Zac chose to use orthodontics (probably braces or Invisalign®) to correct the spacing of his teeth.

Matthew Lewis

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Matthew Lewis, who plays Neville Longbottom in the Harry Potter franchise of movies, also appears to have taken advantage of orthodontic options to straighten his teeth and some whitening to brighten up his smile.

Hilary Duff

Photos courtesy of: Huffingtonpost

We believe Hilary Duff’s original smile was beautiful and wouldn’t have needed much beyond some whitening treatments. It appears though, that Hilary chose a full set of veneers to achieve her mega-watt smile. She still looks stunning!

If you are interested in having a smile just like the celebrities, talk with your Longview and Cuerodentist to see what options are available to correct your concerns. Your dream smile may only be an appointment away.
